Thursday, December 12, 2013

update numero 3

Had the past two days off from the gym, should get one workout in today however before heading home.  Have started doing a vitamin stack that I was using before, and already I can feel the benefits.  More energy, feel generally better, etc., so I'm pretty happy with that.  Training mask broke however, which is far from ideal.  However, should be able to get a couple more solid workouts and a trip to whistler in again.  I can start to see the difference in my body, and am feeling a fair bit stronger since I started really pushing hard in the gym this past month.  Have to keep it up when I go home, which will be more difficult, but, the gym at home is 20x better than what I work with now, so I'll find a way to make it work.  New video next update.

Last workout was about 1150 calories burned, and a maximum heart rate of 196 and average of 156.  Was about 90 minutes of boxing, split between two sessions.  Dead shoulders by the end of it.

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